Saturday 16 April 2011

In the beginning....

So today I have decided to try my hand at "The Blog"…..The modern media replacing the diaries and journals of yester year. Hopefully my attempts at this will be more successful than the countless diaries I've started and left behind.

I love to write. I’ve always thought I’d like to write a novel, but these days I seem to lack the creativity, and as to keeping a journal or diary- I've just never found the day to day details of my life interesting enough to sit down and record on a daily basis…… Which is why I want to dedicate this, my first ever blog, to the wonderful women in my life. Their lives are far more colourful and interesting than mine will ever be.

I firmly believe that my friends are among some of the most amazing women on the planet, and I feel so blessed to have them in my life. I am so grateful to them all for being there and having the tenacity to stick by me, even in the hard times. I would not have survived this long without them. Anyone with good gal pals will be able to relate to this sentiment. Not only are they reliable, compassionate and funny, they are incredibly talented and creative to boot.

One of them has recently signed a book deal to have her first novel published. Another is an incredible actress who has just started her own event design company, and another still an incredibly talented young lawyer. Some of them have science degrees, and others have incredible talents for other things- like acting, singing, dancing, interior design, and teaching. Others have the skills to make you laugh, or make beautiful music with any instrument they pick up. For some it’s gardening, training animals or making cocktails. Others still, have the most jaw dropping organisation skills you’re likely to encounter, the biggest heart, and the most generous spirit you will ever find in a person. Most of them are incredible mothers to beautiful, well-adjusted kids. Whatever their particular talent, they are all amazing, and all of them deserve recognition. It can sometimes be intimidating to be around these incredible women- but it is always inspiring.

Now that I’ve raved about the women who keep me sane … or relatively so at least (those who know me well would say that’s debatable), I think I’ll leave my other musings for tomorrow.

Till then my friends,


  1. So glad you've started a blog my talented one :-)
    Can't wait to follow you on your blogging journey (along with all your other adventures & journeys in life).

    ~ Clare x

  2. *stands and applauds*

    Ms Ally I had always but assumed you were a blogger! I believe the world needs to hear your words :)

    Good luck on your journey, and here's wishing you more discipline than I!

  3. Hi Ally!
    Welcome to the blogosphere. I hope you're prepared to be addicted! :)
    ~ Katie
